Monday, August 27, 2012


Our weekend in pictures:
Ice cream on Friday night at Sparky's. This is the back of the cute fake bulldog that serves as Sparky's mascot. Claire loves him and tried to feed him rocks. 

Dinner on Saturday--she got to sit right next to the fish tank. Big excitement.
Meeting a nice pup at Shelter Gardens on our Sunday walk.
Nice, low key weekend at home. Looking forward to some fun fall weekends ahead!

Monday, August 13, 2012


While Adam spent his weekend doing this:

Photo credit: Luke
...we had a nice, quiet weekend at home. We went for ice cream and hung out with the Larsons. We are going to miss them when they move!

We were excited to see Adam when he came home yesterday despite his river musk.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Destin part II

Another photo heavy blog post about the beach:
We had fun!

"Giant baby" doing her thing.

Exhausted after a long day of travel. She finally fell asleep as we were landing in STL.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Destin part I

We had a wonderful time in Destin last week! 
Vacation by the numbers:
  • at least 7 games of Scrabble played
  • 7 kids under 12 and 8 adults
  • approximately 138 beers consumed
  • 3 dolphin sightings
  • 1 "giant baby" (Claire's role when her girl cousins were playing with Barbie and the "giant baby" would attack shrieking maniacally). 

First night in the backyard w/ cousins Michaela and Stuart
First day at the beach

Loved riding in the golf cart! Aunt Mary drives fast!!
Claire and Michaela

Girl cousins lounging on a rainy morning