Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas, Baptism, Birthday

We like to combine a lot of big events in one short time span. First up: Christmas. We visited Rudy, the holiday train at Union Station. This was a big hit. Then we kept our annual tradition by going to Columbia to see Ella, Marlee and Gene at Shakespeare's. That was great as always but too short. Christmas was a LOT of fun (unfortunately I forgot to take many pictures) and then it was back to work/school on Thursday. Adam picked the girls up a little bit early though and they had some fun playing at the house. Doesn't Nora look like she is having the time of her life playing in their new striped teepee? On Sunday we celebrated Claire's 3rd birthday and Nora was baptized at church. Whew! 2013 has been a great but busy year. We are looking forward to 2014 and all that the new year has in store for us.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Nora: 7 months

Such a happy little 7 month old! Nora is sleeping much better these days. She puts everything in her mouth. She loves sweet potato, banana and puffs. She is practicing waving her hands. And she has the sweetest little smile. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving 2013 in NC...

...meeting new friends at the airport
...celebrating Granny's 90th birthday

...hanging out with our big cousins

...finally getting to meet our new niece/cousin, Kellen


We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving too!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nora: 6 month stats

This girl! Our sweet Nora is 6 months old, she was so good at her appointment on Saturday. She got measured, poked and prodded but only cried during her shots.And her pediatrician told us to start letting her cry it out at night. So last night we followed his instructions and we are all a little bit sleepy this morning. She is NOT giving in easily. 

Weight: 18 lbs (75-90%)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (25-50%)
Head circumference: 17 1/2 inches (90-97%)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nora: 6 months

One week late...taken last night, poor lighting and all but I had to capture this sweet little 6 month old. Those cheeks and rolls are soooo sweet! Nora is sitting up on her own and enjoying learning to eat. She has tried bananas, sweet potatoes and avocado. She wasn't so sure about the avocado but liked banana and sweet potato. I have no idea what she weighs...we go in for her 6 month appointment on Saturday morning but I'm confident that she is healthy. We are thankful. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Highlight of my day

Each day we get an email from school with pictures recapping activities from the day and these are the best emails I receive -it is good to know that someone is having fun! Here are a few of the pics ripped off the school blog posts/emails. 


Busted licking snot

Nora is practicing sitting up!

Going outside on a buggy ride with friends.

She is really sitting up so confidently--where did our baby go?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Claire says in a deep voice: "GO CHIIIIEEEPPS"! From worst to first, 7-0! Adam went to the game on Sunday with friends and we cheered from home. One of us was without pants...working on potty training. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Nora: 5 months

This little cutie is 5 months old today! She is rolling from side to side and really interested in whatever her sister is doing. Claire "helped" me take this picture of Nora last night and of course then she wanted to join in the posing. All Nora wanted to do was pull Claire's hair. Sisters.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It's fall! We've been busy but I've been horrible about taking pictures. Here are a few phone pics of late: Nana set up a pumpkin hunt--big hit with Claire. We went to a fall party that included a hayride and fishing, we participated in the American Diabetes Association walk and Nora smiles through it all :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nora: 4 months stats and pics

Weight: 16 lbs. (98%)
Height: 24 1/2 in. (50%)
Head: 16 3/4 in. (88%)

She has a little scratch on her face and two band aids on her thighs (from shots) but this girl is so smiley. She is such a happy baby, loves to watch her sister. Nora has been talking up a storm lately, I always think she is trying to tell me she is hungry. Imagine. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Summer is flying by! Here are some recent phone pics of our summer:

"Shirts are for work"-Mac's Uncle Jimmy. L-R: Mac, Joely and Claire

Haircut. She chose the tractor and the watermelon lollipop.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nora: 3 months

Nora is such a sweet, smiley 3 month old. She is a big baby, wearing 6-9 month clothes. She loves to see what her big sister is doing. She likes kicking and cooing. We love her SO much. 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Aunt Mary, Uncle Ryan, Bailey and Gustav came to KC visit! It was so nice to have them here and we are glad they live closer now.

Claire really enjoyed sweeping at the house. The dogs just tried to dodge her.

GO Royals!!