Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Thanks to Nana and Aunt Meredith I went to Boston solo this weekend to celebrate Sarah & Jared getting mawwwwwied (Sarah's Dad performed the ceremony and his reference to mawwiage was one of many funny moments). Adam was also out of town. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding, I had such a great time. 

Meanwhile, these two also had a great time. 

Stuart was probably NOT so sad to see the girls getting picked up on Sunday night :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Nora: 9 months

Weight: 19 lbs 8 oz (50-75%)
Height: 27 inches (25-50%)
Head circumference: 17 3/4 inches (75-90%)

Our baby is 9 months old!! And two of our monthly stickers are missing. So I'm improvising here. We have moved about 5 times in the last year so who knows where the 9 month and 10 month stickers are now? Not me. She is clearly unhappy having to sit still for this picture. One minute later she is on the move and happy again: 


And since I know she won't be this rolly forever...check out this bod!! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

snow days

Snow. It's so pretty but I'm so over it. Bring on spring. The girls and I were home for much of the last two days. Adam got to escape to work for a while. 
waiting for her snacks. we did a lot of snacking. boredom eating?

taken a few hours before we went to the pediatrician's office. diagnosis: double ear infection.