NORA's Stats at 1:
Height: 29 inches (50-75%)
Weight: 22lbs. 4oz. (50-75%)
Head Circumference 18.5 inches (90-97%)
CLAIRE's Stats at 1:
Height: 30 inches (85%)
Weight: 21lbs. 13oz. (70%)
Head Circumference 47cm (95%)
The water was cold and it was a cloudy, rainy day. We were the ONLY people at the pool. |
The one on the left needed a nap! |
Adam must have been pretty excited about her pancake? kids have made us crazier |
selfie on the zoo train |
My cake wreck. She thought it tasted great--but it definitely wasn't pretty |
Claire and her new boots with Uncle Ben. Nora also got new boots but I don't have any pictures. |
Claire and her cousin Elizabeth--this picture keeps flipping. Ugh. |
driveway Trouts |