Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ella!

Claire and the birthday girl! Sooo good to see you, loved the party, loved seeing your family. Thanks for coming to Missouri to celebrate your birthday.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Our time with Nani and G-Dog culminated with a fun visit from Aunt Mary and Eleanor. We were thankful that Eleanor chose to spend her weekend with us. Each of the kids get one weekend trip each year and Eleanor chose Columbia (Peter-Chicago, Stuart-Louisville). Adam went on his annual float trip with college friends this weekend so G-Dog was left with the girls. Our weekend included a photo shoot (Claire's 6 month pictures), shopping, eating, playing, baking, a trip to Bass Pro, and riding bikes. Hope you had a good weekend too!
Claire was soooo good, she really hammed it up for the camera!

The cousins. Claire is enjoying some avocado, Eleanor is trying to avoid getting slimed.

Eleanor baked a rainbow cake.

Claire right before bed on Saturday night.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dog Days

Entertaining ourselves inside this week...
Hanging out with G-Dog.

Jumping in the jungle.
Trying the Jenny Jump Up again--liking it more each time!

Getting cabin fever.

Monday, July 18, 2011


We had another great weekend, loving summer 2011 so far!

This weekend Claire went on her first girls road trip. First stop after our Columbia-St. Louis leg was a quick visit with Uncle Ray, Aunt Lyle and Andrew. Claire refueled and we got to see their cool bathroom reno. 
Next up, we picked up Erin and made our way to Jacksonville, IL! We got to visit Keri, Dave, Hallie, and Henry. It was great to see our long time friend and her family of four. Hallie was very sweet with Claire. 
Henry is the cutest little baby. We said our goodbyes early on Sunday morning and hit the road to get back to St. Louis. 
Erin needed to get ready for the U2 concert that evening and Claire and I needed to go visit another friend, Kate, most likely the last time we time we will see her before her sweet baby arrives. Kate looks fantastic, it was so good to see her. 

Finally, we headed to Aunt Mamie's house to attend Eleanor 
and Stuart's 7th birthday party (the family celebration). They made and decorated their own cakes. How awesome is that Barbie cake? 

We finally made it  back to Columbia around 6pm on Sunday and we brought Nani with us. She will stay with Claire this week since Linda (Claire's daycare provider) is on vacation this week. We love having her here! 

Monday, July 11, 2011


Adam and Claire discussing I-70 driving before we hit the road. Look at the curls!
The beautiful mom to be! Can't wait to hold those Bruegenhemke girls!

Aunt Mamie helping with Claire when we arrived.

Taking a break from swimming. Claire looks like she wants one of Stuart's crackers.

Hope you had a great weekend, we did! Adam had to work all day on Sunday so Claire and I set off to St. Louis to celebrate twins! First, we went to Christine's shower to celebrate her and the birth of their twin girls in about 10 weeks: Brooklyn and Samantha. We had a lot of fun, despite Claire's general fussiness. After the shower we headed to Shaw Park pool to celebrate Eleanor and Stuart's 7th birthday. I cannot believe these two are seven. It was very hot day, perfect for a pool party. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

6 month stats

Height: 26.75 (92%)
Weight: 15lbs. 4oz. (50%)
Head Circumference: 44.25 (92%)
Claire was so good at her appointment yesterday, she only cried after her 4 shots. Pic from over the weekend since I forgot to bring my phone or our camera. Typical.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July holiday! On Saturday we went to KC to visit Doc, Nana, Meredith, and Grandpa Trueman and Grandma Louise. The festivities started with a pool party on Saturday afternoon...
Claire hanging on the raft with Nana

Claire and Doc poolside

Claire looking up to Aunt Meredith

Claire resting after her swim with a favorite toy
...the celebration continued with a BBQ at the Shaffer's house...
The hostess with the mostess

Claire getting fashion tips from the always stylish Kate!
...and Claire wrapped up a great weekend with some sweet potatoes! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend!!