Sunday, July 24, 2011


Our time with Nani and G-Dog culminated with a fun visit from Aunt Mary and Eleanor. We were thankful that Eleanor chose to spend her weekend with us. Each of the kids get one weekend trip each year and Eleanor chose Columbia (Peter-Chicago, Stuart-Louisville). Adam went on his annual float trip with college friends this weekend so G-Dog was left with the girls. Our weekend included a photo shoot (Claire's 6 month pictures), shopping, eating, playing, baking, a trip to Bass Pro, and riding bikes. Hope you had a good weekend too!
Claire was soooo good, she really hammed it up for the camera!

The cousins. Claire is enjoying some avocado, Eleanor is trying to avoid getting slimed.

Eleanor baked a rainbow cake.

Claire right before bed on Saturday night.

1 comment:

  1. I figured out that work is not allowing me to comment but my labtop works!! So I finally had to come and say something because I've been wanting to for a long time!! Claire is getting more and more beautiful each time I see her updated pics!! And that last picture of you guys is just adorable!!
